Holistic Creativity: unconventional ways to get creative juices flowing through mind, body, and spirit

An Introduction to Holistic Health

Now more than ever as a society we have seen a shift from traditional treatments to more holistic approaches where we focus on the entirety of the human body - mind, body, and spirit. We have broken the human body down into so many specialities that we seem to have lost sight of the fact that we are dealing with a complete human being.

The whole human is greater than the sum of its parts, which is why when it comes to dealing with something as complex and intangible as the creative process, it is SO IMPORTANT that we aren’t just simply treating the symptoms but the root cause that is leading us to roadblocks in our creative process, burn out and other issues.

So… how does holistic health tie into creativity?

We’ve all been there - when we’re sitting down to come up with a new concept for our next project or trying to brainstorm new ideas, but as much as we try we can’t think of anything worthwhile. So what do we do? Maybe we take a break from that project and our focus goes to the next task, or we try to find inspiration from Pinterest, an account you love, or a book/magazine. Maybe that helps, but sometimes you still feel frustrated and are unable to come up with something you love.

This is where the problem may lie… we are focusing on trying to fix the symptom: a lack of ideas/feeling uninspired vs addressing the root cause that is leading to that lack of creativity. There can be something going on that causes this friction.

The positive is that you can look at your mind, body, and spirit to see what exactly is happening and address it through remedies that help that category!

I encourage you to engage in activities from each these three categories:

Creativity for the Mind:

If you notice your mind is scattered all over the place, there are ways to help calm it which can allow for creative solutions.


  • Engage in mindfulness practices such as meditation or yoga. By quieting the mind and focusing on the present moment we can access a deeper level of awareness that can help tap into your creativity.

  • Morning pages: when you wake up in the morning, allow yourself to free write whatever comes to your mind with no judgement or a need for perfection.

  • Take a break: Sometimes the best way to find creativity is to just step away from your work and take a break. Go for a walk, take a nap, or engage in a different activity. This can help refresh your mind and give you a new perspective.

  • Have a social media/dopamine break: Okay so to piggyback from the last point… include social media in that break. We may think going on our phone can help us find creativity but more often than not it is just a distraction. I even encourage you to try taking a break from social media for a day, weekend or even the whole week if you can! This break may just be what you need.

Creativity for the Body:

If you work from your computer, there is no denying how stagnant it can be. There is so much research shown that sitting for prolonged periods can be detrimental for your health - which ties into mental health and creativity. So let’s get out of our mind and move our body!


  • Look into your nutrition: work with a professional, get your bloodwork done, and see if maybe you are deficient in certain vitamins or minerals that is leading to lower energy or brain fog. Notice how certain foods make you feel - are you tired and sluggish after eating a huge bowl of chips or that take-out? Do you feel more energized after eating a high protein or plant-based meal? Nutrition plays a huge a role in not only physical but mental health. If we are tired and don’t have energy for simple tasks, then it can be difficult to find the motivation or inspiration for creativity.

  • Take a walk in nature: I encourage you to go out for a walk WITHOUT any music, audio book, or podcast in your ear! Just sit with nature and be present in the moment. Spending time in nature can help you feel more connected to your surroundings and to your own inner self. It can also help you tap into your creativity by providing inspiration and a sense of calm.

  • Dance your heart out: music has an ability to transport us to different emotional states. Listen to some of your favourite songs of different genres and dance however your heart tells you. This can be energetic, it can be slow and eccentric, whatever feels right in your body! Some call this estatic dancing: where you get out of the mind and enter your body. There is no judgement on your movements and no need for dance experience. Move, shake, bounce in whatever feels natural - this is such an innate part of the human experience that we should not deny ourselves!

  • Workout: move your body in a way that brings you joy. This can be a run, a HIIT workout, lifting weights, pilates, or anything else that gets you active. Moving helps release stagnant energy in your body, leaving you feeling more confident, grounded, and energized.

Creativity for the Spirit:

For those who aren’t sure what exactly the spirit part is of ‘mind-body-spirit’, it is essentially a driving force guiding your soul: the intangible part of you that makes you who you are. Giving your mind and body life. Our passions, creativity, emotions come from the human spirit.

A healthy spirit helps us experience positive emotions such as joy, gratitude, compassion and allows us to connect with a sense of purpose. Whether you’re religious or not, there are a lot of benefits from nurturing our spirit to improve our mood or intent in any given situation.


  • Talk to someone: If you’re struggling to connect with your spiritual side or your mental health, reach out to either a professional therapist or with someone you trust who can help.

  • Collaborate with others: Collaboration can be a great way to spark creativity. Working with others can help you see things from a different perspective and provide new ideas and inspiration.

  • Try a new creative outlet: Trying something new can be a great way to stimulate your creativity. Try a new medium such as clay, acrylic, water colours, or even cooking a fancy dish from your favourite ingredients without a recipe. Exposing yourself to new experiences can help you think differently and spark your creativity.

  • Serve others/your community: Whether it’s volunteering your time for a non-profit organization, helping your neighbour or a friend in need, or donating supplies/services to local shelters, there are many ways to help others. Not only are you helping your community, it is shown that serving others can enhance creativity by helping us connect with others, expand our perspectives, and tap into a sense of purpose and meaning. It allows us to better understand the needs of others and can inspire new ideas and solutions.

Note: Creativity is not one-size-fits-all

By now, we’ve established that there’s no one thing that can help us unlock that creativity within us. I encourage you to try one or more things from each category and reflect on how it made you feel. By engaging with each of these aspects of ourselves, we can cultivate a holistic approach to creativity and unlock our full creative potential.


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